Your Desk Job Is Hazardous to Your Health


The World Health Organization (WHO) says that sedentary jobs are responsible for more than a third of all deaths globally. This is because sitting for prolonged periods of time causes health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

The desk job health risks is a concern that many people have. Many people feel as though they are at risk for serious health problems because of the nature of their desk jobs.

You and/or your workers may be shortening your life if you spend a considerable amount of time sitting at your workstations working on computers.

Doesn’t that sound terrifying? Your chair, according to a recent New York Times story, is your adversary.

It doesn’t matter whether you run every morning or go to the gym on a regular basis. You put yourself at danger of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a number of malignancies, and an early death if you spend the most of the day sitting – in your vehicle, your office chair, or on your couch at home. In other words, whether you exercise strenuously or not, sitting for extended periods of time is harmful to your health.

So, how do you go about it? You have a desk job and must sit all day, right?


Stand-up desks, according to a recent article in Men’s Health magazine, are the way to go.

Mark Benden, Ph.D., an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at Texas A&M’s health science department, believes that standing more is the single healthiest adjustment that desk jockeys can make.

Stand-up desks are becoming increasingly popular in offices, and employees who use them report less aches and pains overall. The good news is that switching from sitting to standing at work does not have to be expensive.

Almost half of our staff at Palo Alto Software has elevated their workstations. Depending on your requirements, methods vary from a “McGyver” type cobbling together of different common office objects to elevated fixed counter tops to adjustable height desks that are simple to raise and lower.

So, how can you determine which option is best for you? Let’s have a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages.

McGyver is a fictional character.

Sean working at his McGyver station



  • It is inexpensive. Simply gather boxes and other items from around the workplace to have your setup in place.
  • It’s quick. There isn’t much work to be done, and you won’t have to wait for anything to come in the mail. There’s a good chance you won’t even have to leave the workplace.
  • It’s just a matter of time. It’s simple to undo when you change places (plus, all your packing boxes are nearby!) if you opt to return to a sitting desk.


  • It’s not a beautiful sight. For proof, look at the picture.
  • It isn’t particularly adaptable. You may wish to alternate between sitting and standing at different points during the day. It’s inconvenient to have to store all of the boxes and crates you’ve put up to support your hardware.
  • It has the potential to be unstable. When you stack items on top of one other, they tend to fall over. Take precautions!

The elevated counter is permanently installed.

Desi is at her counter, which is elevated


  • It’s simple. It just takes a few minutes to raise cubicle walls and fixed counters if you already have them.
  • The whole work surface has been elevated. As a result, your coffee cup and mouse are on the same level. It’s critical!
  • It certainly looks better than McGyver.


  • A elevated chair is required. These may be pricey, but you’ll want to sit at least once in a while. You won’t get much work done if you sit too low at your desk, so you’ll need a chair that’s the appropriate height for your elevated desk.
  • There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. If you share a workspace, you may find yourself with a desk that is ideal for one person but completely unsuitable for another. If workers shift about, you’ll have to raise or lower desks to accommodate them.

Desks with adjustable heights

I’m sitting at a coworker’s height-adjustable workstation.


  • They can be adjusted. You can simply raise or lower these desks depending on whether you want to sit or stand, as the name suggests.
  • Anybody may work at any location. Again, adjustable means you may change the height of the desk to suit any employee.
  • They are transportable. When you change your work area, you must also change your desk-adjuster.
  • They seem to be cool. Adjustable height workstations are much nicer than the McGyver and even slicker than the elevated counter. They show the world that you’ve committed to an ergonomically friendly lifestyle.


  • They are not inexpensive. You’re not necessarily saving money since a simple set-up may cost as much as an elevated chair.
  • They may not be suitable for all hardware configurations. Alternatively, you may find that you need extra accessories (at an additional expense) to get everything in the correct place. Consider the use of large displays, numerous monitors, or further stabilization.

Other factors to consider

Transitioning from standing to sitting should be done in little steps. Stand for 15 minutes, then sit for a half hour (or longer) before gradually increasing your standing time. Even if you completely commit to using a standing desk, you’ll need to experiment to find the optimum stand-to-sit ratio for you.

Consider starting with a McGyver setup to ensure that standing is appropriate for you before investing in anything more expensive. Setting up and dismantling a few boxes and props may be inconvenient, but it’s preferable than spending money on a set you can’t use.

Look down at your toes. What you put on them may make or break your standing desk experience. If you wear high heels or formal shoes, you’ll soon realize they’re not designed to be worn for extended periods of time. If your fashionable shoes aren’t suitable for standing, just take them off or have a pair of cross trainers on hand to wear throughout the day.

Finally, make sure you’re standing on a fatigue-relieving mat, which may help alleviate leg and lower back pain caused by extended standing.

Have you already made the switch to a standing desk? What’s the state of your desk right now? What are the advantages and disadvantages of elevated workstations, in your opinion?

Your desk job is hazardous to your health. This article will give you some tips on how to stay healthy while working at a desk.

How does a desk job affect your health?

A desk job can be very unhealthy for your health, as it forces you to sit in one position for long periods of time. The lack of movement and the repetitive motions can lead to muscle aches and pains, back pain, and even carpal tunnel syndrome.

Are desk jobs unhealthy?

The answer to this question is not yet known.

Why office jobs are bad for your health?

The answer to this question is too long for a single response.