Writing a Successful Sales Letter

Source: business.lovetoknow.com

The purpose of a sales letter is to convince the reader that they should buy your product. There are many different ways to write a sales letter, but one of the most effective ways is by using an analogy. An analogy can be used to make a complicated idea easier for people to understand.

A persuasive sales letter is a huge asset for your business. It helps you to gain more customers and has the potential to increase your profit margin.

Last night, our buddy Dave phoned; he’s starting a small engine repair company and wanted us to go through a sales letter he’d prepared. Dave’s letter was really very excellent; the only flaw was that it failed to provide a compelling cause for anybody to do business with him! There was no enticement; no “special introductory deal”; no reason for anybody to rush to the phone and dial his number. We volunteered to rework the letter, of course.

The most important goal of a sales letter is to have it read. The second goal is to convince the reader to act and begin a commercial relationship with you.

How do you go about doing this? First, craft a compelling title that offers a concrete advantage to the reader right away, rather than a vague “Hello, here we are” remark. Ask a question that demonstrates that you are aware of their requirements.

Are you still searching for someone to ensure that your lawnmower, tractor, trimmer, cultivator, or compactor will be ready to use when you are?

This demonstrates that you are aware of their requirements rather than just launching into a “rah rah” sales presentation.

Then tell them you’ve found the answer.

We promise that our 10-point small engine tune-up will keep you running strong all summer.

Source: pexels.com

Give them your qualifications as a businessperson. “I’ve been fixing various brands of lawn and garden equipment for over 15 years and I enjoy it!” Dave might remark.

Now give them something they can utilize, in other words, tell them what they’ll get if they purchase or use your service right now. Don’t be scared to take chances. Use capitals, underlining, or strong font to make the offer pop off the page so that even if they don’t read anything else, they’ll notice it.

Take advantage of our no-cost opportunity to get to know us!

Add some credibility by include two or three testimonials. People want to hear what others have to say about you, so tell them.

Add some free advise or tips and techniques to your message to ensure it has a high curiosity factor. Dave knew how to improve the performance of an engine by using the correct fuel mixes and how to maintain a lawn mower blade sharp.

Make it clear what the next step should be and why it’s critical to take action right immediately.

Call us right now to make sure you’re set for the growing season!

Use simple language and avoid using words you wouldn’t usually use; make sure it sounds like you.

Thank the reader for taking the time to read your message and sign it. If you know the reader, include a message in your own handwriting at the bottom.

Finally, include a P.S. This is a wonderful opportunity to restate the offer and perhaps sweeten it.

By April 30th, if you take advantage of our free “get to know us” offer, we’ll toss in a free tank of gas for your mower or tractor.

Of course, you’ll need a decent list to send this to–one that’s current and accurate. It’s a waste of time to send a wonderful letter to someone who doesn’t exist, so call your contacts before mailing and double-check that your list is current.

Make a test. Send out a few dozen each week, and then call to follow up. Change up the deal and watch what happens.

A successful sales letter is one that clearly communicates the value of your product or service. It should also be written in a way that will appeal to your audience. Reference: example of sales letter in business communication pdf.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write an effective sales letter?

An effective sales letter is one that has a clear point of view and makes the reader want to know more about what you are selling. It should also be written in an engaging way that doesnt feel like marketing speak.

How do I write a winning sales letter?

First, you need to know what your product is. Second, you need to know how it will help people. Third, you need to know who your target audience is. Fourth, you need to have a catchy headline that gets the attention of potential customers. Fifth, you must have a clear call-to-action that leads them to buy the product.

What are the qualities of a good sales letter?

A good sales letter is one that follows a clear and concise structure, has a strong opening hook, and contains engaging content.