Writing Web Content: The Old Rules of Editing Still Apply

Source: curlwire.com

The internet is a wild, wild place. And while the rules of writing for the web have changed over the years, there are still some old-fashioned guidelines that can help you write content that will be successful on the internet.

The content writing tips for beginners pdf is a great resource for those who are just starting out. It provides basic information about the old rules of editing still apply.

Is your website bringing in sales or scaring away prospective customers? Consider this: your customer’s initial impression of you and your company is based on how you portray yourself on your website. It matters what you say and how you say it.

There are a lot of great tools out there to help you write engaging content for your website. Copyblogger, for example, is a fantastic resource for tips, anecdotes, and general knowledge on Web copywriting and SEO writing (SEO).

I came found another site while looking for copywriting classes that provided articles, books, and courses on creating Web content. The term “copywriting” had a mistake in it, much to my astonishment (and pleasure). The title says it all. On the first page of the website!

A mistake on your Home page may be humiliating if you’re a software business or a travel agency, for example. We’ll call a mistake in the first headline a visitor sees EXTREMELY humiliating.

If you’re offering items that teach people how to write Web content, however, your website should include clear, well-edited text. Sloppiness is shown by a mistake in the first phrase. Carelessness. There is an alarming lack of attention to detail. When there are so many comparable materials available and I can get them with a single mouse click, a missing letter in a headline is enough to make me seek for a writing lesson elsewhere.

When I contacted the “expert” in issue, he thanked me for pointing out his error, but he rejected my suggestion that he could be losing clients as a result of his carelessness. “Would you quit reading a book because you discovered a mistake in it?” he said. “If I hadn’t purchased it yet, and there was a mistake on the first page, and it was a book on writing?” I said. “You bet I’d put it down!”

Now I work as a writer and an editor. As a result, my tolerance for mistakes is probably lower than most people’s. However, just because it’s quicker and easier to rectify typos and errors online than in a book, magazine, or newspaper (where the most you can do is issue a correction after the fact), doesn’t mean you shouldn’t proofread, edit, and check your material for errors, misspellings, and typos.

It may seem antiquated, but it is also common sense. It also applies to any website, no matter what you’re offering. You need to make sure you’re not making it simple for your consumers to reject you since they have so many internet alternatives.

Writing for the web best practices have been around since the beginning of time. The old rules still apply, and they should be followed to get your content seen by more people.