Why Taking Time Off Is Time Well Spent


Taking time off is more than just a vacation. It’s an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family, reflect on dreams and goals, and recharge for the next big adventure.

Taking time off is important because it allows you to recharge and re-energize. It can be difficult to take time off, but this is a good thing because you will not get burnt out by work.

Man relaxing in a hammock while camping; work life balance conceptHaving fun isn’t always a top priority when you’re simply trying to get your company off the ground. Your business plan, go-to-market strategy, financials, and, perhaps most importantly, time management are all on your mind. However, your company will reflect your attitude, and consumers will notice if you are running out of steam.

According to studies, adding more fun to your day makes you more productive. What exactly do I mean when I say “more fun”? Business leaders (and their teams) are more productive and feel better when they take meaningful, brief breaks throughout the day.

Seriously! Employees were 81 percent more likely to remain with the business and had a 78 percent boost in their feeling of heath and well-being when a supervisor encouraged team members to take frequent breaks, according to a Harvard Business Review and the Energy Project research.

As if that weren’t enough, the same research discovered that taking breaks at least every 90 minutes resulted in a 40% boost in creative thinking and a 28% improvement in concentration.

It’s essential to remember to have fun when your days get more demanding and last longer than you expect. Not just to make you feel better, but also to assist you in staying on target and doing more. Your company will be stronger if you take frequent breaks.

There are three methods to have more fun (and be more productive)

Now that you understand why you should take meaningful, enjoyable breaks (or “oases,” as I like to call them), it’s time to take action. Here are three suggestions to help you get started on the road to having more fun at work while still being more productive.

Reading a book; work life balance concept

1. Find out what makes you happy.

Too many of us have lost how to have fun as grownups. Because you’re knee-deep in obligations, this may ring truer for individuals who are just starting off their own company.

Return to the wisdom of the babes to figure out what you want to do for your enjoyable break (with some caveats, of course).

The curiosity with which youngsters perceive the world is one of their most endearing qualities. They find enjoyment and play wherever they go, regardless of the resources available to them.

It’s time to create a to-do list! This is what I call a “oasis list” since it combines the ease of a playlist with the pleasure of a bucket list, but without the guilt, pressure, or expense in terms of time or money. These are things that make your day a bit more enjoyable, joyful, relaxing, and rejuvenating.


Dave Crenshaw, author, having a good time defying gravity.

Your oasis list may be divided into categories according on how long each action takes: under 15 minutes, 15 to 30 minutes, over 30 minutes, and so on. Begin by writing down all of your favorite activities, such as taking a brief stroll outdoors, eating a delicious treat, playing video games, finding a quiet spot to meditate, reading a few chapters of a book, listening to an audiobook, and so on.

A moment that you create is referred to as a “oasis.” It encapsulates the concept of a meaningful respite. You’ll be able to return to these things when you’re ready for an oasis.

Planner; work life balance concept

2. Plan your breaks.

It’s now important to develop a routine for drinking your oasis. Whatever else is going on at work, your oases (plural of oasis!) come first.

That implies they should be a high priority on your to-do list. An oasis isn’t something you do at the end of the day; it’s something you do every day. Begin by scheduling 10 to 20 minute micro-oases throughout the day, and then select an activity from your oasis list that falls inside that time period. Then gradually increase the length of your breaks to 60 to 90 minutes, allowing you to go to the gym, attend a yoga class, or engage in other physical exercise.

Because of your ultradian rhythm, you’ll know what time of day to plan it. This is your “body-clock” at work. It’s a “fundamental rest-activity cycle,” according to sleep expert Nathan Kleitman. In our circadian day, ultradian rhythms are shorter, recurring patterns.

Each of us has a certain amount of time that we can work before we need to take a break. A person’s work break should occur every 90 to 120 minutes, just as each person’s nighttime sleep requirements are different.

How will you know which one is yours? Of course, there’s going to be some experimenting! For a week, take breaks at different times to discover what appears to work best for you. Make several repeating appointments on your calendar every day after you’ve found your ideal rhythm.

One of my CEO clients took my suggestion and planned a short respite every day after lunch to see a particular buddy.

She made a regular appointment in her calendar named “Take a stroll to see my buddy Bessie the cow.” Her escape consisted of leaving her office, walking up the hill to a nearby field, petting a cow on the nose, and then returning to work. It’s just what she needed to be moo-tivated, if you will.

Beach; work life balance concept

3. Take a break.

According to a 2016 study from Time Off, almost 55% of all Americans do not utilize all of their vacation time. This resulted in a record-breaking 658 million vacation days being squandered that year.

Employees who take 10 or less days of vacation are less likely to have earned a raise or bonus in the previous three years than those who take eleven days or more, according to the same research.

If that isn’t plain enough, then bear with me as I state unequivocally: when you take fewer vacations, you earn less money. You lay the road to success by taking more vacation.

You may be thinking to yourself at this stage, “Who has time or money to take a vacation when you’re beginning a new business?” Some individuals will consider taking a vacation once a year. That’s OK; just don’t put any restrictions on yourself. It isn’t necessary to go to Tahiti for a week. A weekend of fishing and camping at a neighborhood lake might suffice. A reconditioned Xbox or movie projector, for example, might be an inexpensive, decent-sized buy for a stay-cation.


David Crenshaw is shown here having a good time with Thor.

Look at your calendar for many months and plan your trip. You’ve earned it, and you’re going to need it. Your mind and body will be rejuvenated as a result of the rest.

Life has a way of interfering with our pleasure. We may get engrossed in work or other obligations, and the things we’d rather be doing—the ones that really make us happy—get put to the side. Remember those things, and set aside time each day to do the things you love and have fun!

There are many benefits to taking time off from work. One of the most important is that it can help you re-energize and recharge for a fresh start in your job. Reference: how often should you take time off from work.

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