Small businesses are constantly looking for new ways to improve their operations, and technology is a key component in that. In this week’s news roundup, we’ll look at how small businesses can make the most of mobile apps and social media.
Bringing you the most up-to-date information about small businesses and more—this week, we’re talking about 3D printing, millennials at work, and everything you need to know about Monday was a very bleak day.
Black Monday

The stock market had one of its most turbulent weeks in recent memory:
Oil prices have taken a particularly hard blow this week, barely recovering from a six-year low set on Monday.
Is a market downturn beneficial to your company? Gene Marks has many reasons to be optimistic.
Sacred merchandise
The impending visit of Pope Francis to the United States has prompted a boom in Papal merchandise.
Update on technology

In terms of business, 3D printing has so far failed to live up to the promise.
The financial advantages of Best Buy’s increasing partnership with Apple have been evident.
Young employees
A recent survey of employees in their twenties revealed some intriguing insights into what drives millennials.
Advice gleaned from the front pages

In the comments, let us know what you think about this week’s small business news items.