How to Foster a Healthy Workplace Culture When Outsourcing


Outsourcing is a common practice in today’s workplace. However, the decision to outsource can be challenging for employers and employees alike. This article will explore some of the benefits and challenges of outsourcing, as well as how to foster an effective culture when outsourcing.

A healthy workplace culture is one where employees are able to work together, have fun, and feel valued. This can be difficult to foster when outsourcing.


Your company’s reputation, productivity, and profitability are all influenced by its working culture. In reality, in today’s harsh corporate climate, a good workplace culture is required to remain competitive. At the same time, the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing tasks to contractors and freelancers may benefit your business. 

Outsourcing may have an impact on the health of workplace culture, which is based on employee dynamics and everyday involvement. Your workers will feel secure, appreciated, and aligned with the organization’s purpose if you have a good workplace culture. Is it feasible to have a good company culture while also outsourcing? 

It is definitely feasible to maintain a good company culture while outsourcing with clear communication and a dedication to your workplace principles.

What is the significance of workplace culture?

Two factors that contribute to your business’s success are supported by a good corporate culture:

Employee output is high. 

Positive work cultures reduce stress at work while also boosting employee engagement. Employees that are emotionally invested in their job are more likely to show up for work, achieve organizational objectives, and be productive. 

Employee retention is important.

Employee replacement is costly and may have a significant effect on your bottom line. According to the Center for American Progress, it costs a business 20% of an employee’s pay to replace a single employee. Employees are less likely to leave if they are pleased at work, and one of the greatest ways to accomplish this early on is to establish a loyalty program, also known as an employee value proposition. Employees that are loyal to your business will remain with you and help you achieve your goals. 

Why should you consider outsourcing?

Why would a business outsource when outsourcing may have such a negative effect on the culture of the organization?

Outsourcing allows your company to tap into a larger pool of talent. Certain activities, such as accounting, HR administration, and payroll, are outsourced by some businesses to a team of highly qualified experts. But, for the most part, businesses outsource in order to save money. When it comes to outsourcing trends in 2019, a study conducted by Clutch revealed that roughly a quarter of companies reported lower expenses while improving productivity, a trend that continues to increase year after year.

Of course, outsourcing has drawbacks that extend beyond the potential for a detrimental effect on corporate culture. It’s possible that the outsourced party’s job standards aren’t the same as yours. You run the danger of misrepresentation since an outsourced organization is an extension of your company.

Your outsourced staff will match more closely with both business’s quality of work if you maintain corporate culture throughout your in-house and outsourced teams. Communication that is clear and timely, constructive criticism, openness, performance programs, and a focus on company principles are all excellent places to start.

When outsourcing, how can you maintain a positive company culture?

Although a workplace culture is the total of all the people who work there, it is the employer’s responsibility to promote a positive workplace culture. There are three options for doing so.

1. Make communication a top priority.

One of the most significant effects of corporate outsourcing on workplace culture is employee insecurity… Employees that are insecure tend to withdraw and become less productive. Employees are less likely to feel concern about job security if you communicate your reasons for outsourcing ahead of time. 

Trust is built on open and honest communication.

You must notify your workers prior to any outsourcing, particularly those who will be directly impacted by the transaction. Explain how outsourcing will make an employee’s job simpler by eliminating part of the responsibilities. However, explain any potential difficulties that the employee may encounter as a result of the outsourced job.

The greatest approach to keep your employees’ confidence is to have open conversations regarding organizational changes. There is no such thing as over-communicating as a leader. Employees will feel less anxious about outsourcing if they know they can count on you to keep them informed.

Employees should be treated as stakeholders.

You wouldn’t keep critical organizational information hidden from stakeholders, and you shouldn’t keep it hidden from your workers. Request input from your workers both before and after you decide to outsource. 

Giving your employees a say in decision-making helps them feel appreciated, which fosters a caring and empathy-based culture. Treating your workers like stakeholders, on the other hand, is intended to make them feel responsible for the company’s success. 

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2. Create a standardized procedure and methodology.

Contractors often have their own methods of operation. It’s possible that they’re in separate time zones. Working with a new company may complicate logistics and put a kink in your employees’ regular routine. This may lead to annoyance and low morale in the job. 

Use internet communication channels to your advantage.

With the rise of work-from-home companies, there are a plethora of online platforms that may assist in bridging the communication gap. Syncing distant teams is simple with tools like Trello and Basecamp for project management and Zoom for conferencing. 

These tools, however, are only useful if you create a plan and procedure for utilizing them. Contractors may not feel obligated to interact with your normal workers, which may lead to distrust and animosity among them.

Provide for your workers’ needs.

If your workers must adapt the contractor’s procedures, they will believe that you prioritize the contractor’s needs above their own. Instead, prioritize your workers. Inquire about the difficulties they foresee while dealing with a contractor and how you might assist. Develop team communication policies with your workers. 

Launch an onboarding campaign. 

When you outsource, some of the contractor’s responsibilities may unintentionally overlap with your workers’ responsibilities. For both your workers and the contractor, this may lead to confusion, needless duplication, and misunderstanding. 

You may acquaint all parties involved with the process, objectives, and each other with appropriate onboarding. Discuss which tasks will be transferred to the contractor and which will stay with the workers during onboarding. When responsibilities are clearly defined, all parties involved may work together to help one another.  

3. Employ the appropriate personnel

Values in the workplace are much simpler to define than culture in the workplace. Define your company’s beliefs, and then act on them by employing contractors with similar goals and objectives. When you outsource to businesses who share your values, you demonstrate your dedication to your company’s culture. 

Not just for talent, but also for cultural fit

Contractors are often recruited based on their ability, aptitude, or cost, rather than their values and cultural fit. Many employers believe that a contractor’s values are unimportant as long as the work is completed. Unfortunately, a contractor that does not share your company’s beliefs and goals may make it more difficult for your workers to perform their jobs. 

Take your time to make sure your contractor is culturally compatible. Inquire about previous jobs and customers to obtain a sense of the contractor’s values. Avoid being seduced by cheap prices or promises of financial development. Instead, consider the overall effect of outsourcing on your company’s morale. 

Encourage contractors to form long-term connections.

Long-term commercial connections must constantly be nurtured. When you choose a contractor that is a good match for your project, you are more likely to work with them again. This means you won’t have to go through a lengthy onboarding process, and your workers won’t have to alter their workflow. 

A positive workplace culture begins at the top.

A positive workplace culture begins at the top. You may build a strong workplace culture that is robust to major organizational changes like outsourcing if you are proactive about communication and show a commitment to your workplace values. 

The steps in creating organizational culture are the first step to fostering a healthy workplace. It is important for companies that outsource to take time to create an organizational culture.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What can you do to foster an effective culture in the workplace?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you an answer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How does outsourcing promote health and safety culture?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Outsourcing promotes health and safety culture by providing a safe work environment. It also gives people the opportunity to work from home, which can help with stress levels and overall mental well-being.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you promote a healthy work culture?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not a human and cannot answer this question.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you do to foster an effective culture in the workplace?

I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you an answer.

How does outsourcing promote health and safety culture?

Outsourcing promotes health and safety culture by providing a safe work environment. It also gives people the opportunity to work from home, which can help with stress levels and overall mental well-being.

How do you promote a healthy work culture?

I am not a human and cannot answer this question.

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